Friday, October 28, 2005

Please join us for an upcoming show titled "A Great Distraction." Installed in the Artfix gallery at GC&SU's Mayfair hall. The exhibit runs from Oct. 24th-Nov.4th. There will be an opening night and discussion on Tuesday Nov. 1st at 7pm. Refreshments will be served.


Adante Salvagado said...

This show turned out to be a real success with many visitors and many responses to the show. The exhibition showed some of my more recent works throughout the past year.
I have begun to really try to give more descriptions to these entries and really build up a supportive text around the pictures that make up this page.
If you have stumbled onto this page by accident please feel free to browse around. Anyone who should view this page, I ask that you would leave a response even if anonymous.
In a sense I am opening this site up and welcoming your criticism in hopes that it will effect my understanding of the work through your interpretation.
I will try to offer new links to contemporary art resources and traditional American Art resources. That will include references to articels in art magazines as well as my perspective on current shows and museum exhibitions.
I will also try to give as many links to direct images from famous artists, influential and upcoming artists as well in an attempt to make this site more search friendly.
Thanks, adam

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful view of several of his paintings all on one wall. This picture shows exactly how good Adam is at using colors. All of the colors seem to fit into the paintings, none of them really seem out of place. In addition, all of the pieces seem to have their own tone that they capture. Plainly, this is the mark of a good artist all around.